

Succulents are a diverse group of plants known for their thick, fleshy tissues that store water, allowing them to thrive in arid conditions. With their unique, often striking appearances, succulents are popular in both indoor and outdoor gardening. These plants come in various shapes, sizes, and colors, featuring rosette formations, spiky textures, and vibrant hues. Native to regions with dry climates, succulents are incredibly low-maintenance, requiring minimal watering and preferring bright, indirect light. They are well-suited for busy individuals or those new to gardening, as they are resilient and adaptable. Succulents can be grown in various containers, from traditional pots to creative arrangements in terrariums. Their ability to purify the air and their aesthetic appeal make them a favorite choice for home decor. Popular varieties include Aloe Vera, Echeveria, and Jade Plant, each offering its own unique charm to enhance your living space.

How to Care for Plants

Placement and Care

•Semi shade •South or east facing windows,
balconies, living room, etc • Provide plenty of bright, indirect sunlight.
Water thoroughly but infrequntly.

Indoor, Decent light conditions where it can receive upto 6 hours of sunlight.

Water Requirement

25-30 ml every day

Fertilizer (once a month)

Water soluble and balanced NPK 20:20:20 or 19:19:
Water soluble and balanced NPK 20: 20:20 during growing season (spring and summer)

Flowering Period


Remove dead or unhealthy leaves to keep the plant looking tidy and to
prevent disease


Every 1-2 years according to its size.

Additional Information:

• Avoid using a spray bottle to water, as
this can lead to mold and pests. • Maintainence Level Low. • Life span upto 6 Months.