Chatis Patis

Chatis Patis

Chatis Patis, also known as Ruellia tuberosa or Belle de Nuit, is a striking tropical perennial prized for its vibrant and long-lasting flowers. Native to tropical America, this plant produces showy, trumpet-shaped blooms in shades of blue, purple, or white, which attract butterflies and hummingbirds. Chatis Patis typically grows to about 1 to 3 feet in height, with lush, green foliage that complements its colorful flowers. It thrives in well-draining soil and prefers full sun to partial shade, making it suitable for garden beds, borders, and containers. The plant is relatively low-maintenance, requiring regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist but not soggy. Chatis Patis can add a vibrant burst of color and a touch of tropical flair to any outdoor space. At Balaji Blossoms, we offer high-quality Chatis Patis plants to enhance your garden with their eye-catching beauty.

How to Care for Plants

Placement and Care

• Semi shade •Living rooms, balconies, patios,landscaping, etc. • Prefers bright, indirect light but can tolerate high light conditions.

Water Requirement

50-100 ml daily

Fertilizer (once a month)

Water soluble and balanced NPK 20:20:20 or 19:19:19, organic fertilizer, cow dung, vermicompost.

Flowering Period

From spring and summer.


Prune any leggy growth or dead
leaves to maintain compact shape.


Every 2-3 years according to its size.

Additional Information:

• Avoid direct sunlight which can scorch leaves. • Maintainence Level is Low. •Life span is for years